Written by EVoting Communications / 26 de Octubre del 2022

International recognitions and distinctions, as well as the surpassing of one thousand clients, mark this month for the EVoting company.

EVoting held a spec”This is the most relevant award in the democracy industry”. The words of EVoting’s CEO, Mario Novoa, to refer to the company’s distinction as winner of the international Tech4Democracy award, together with the recognition of the French foundation INRIA Chile, and the surpassing of one thousand clients, reflect the activity of the month of October for the company.

“This is the most relevant award in the democracy industry”

EVoting’s CEO, Mario Novoa, highlighted the company’s distinction as winner of the Tech4Democracy Venture Day Latin America award, a competition that recognizes startups that strengthen democracy in the region. This instance is promoted by the U.S. Department of State and IE University, and also confirms EVoting as a leader in electronic democracy. “They saw that technology offered an opportunity to seek and support solutions that contribute to democracy in the world and, based on this, they launched this global competition” explains Novoa. See more here.

“The case of EVoting is exemplary”

The director of Inria Chile, Nayat Sanchez-Pi, expressed her pride in the development of the company, the first spin-off of the French entity in Chile. Last month, Inria Chile celebrated 10 years since its landing in the country and celebrated by highlighting the most successful projects it has supported, including EVoting. “We were researchers who were at the university, developing software that would allow people to vote and with the arrival of Inria, this possibility of starting to provide this service in a commercial way was born,” explains Tomás Barros, founding partner and general manager of EVoting. See more here.

EVoting surpassed one thousand clients in its portfolio

In the last week of October, EVoting surpassed one thousand clients. In more than 8 years of history and with presence in nine countries, the company surpassed the iconic figure. “We have come a long way and not without difficulties, but we have been able not only to face them, but also to see the opportunities they bring in terms of innovation and growth”, says Felipe Lorca, Operations Manager of the company. See more here.

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