November 2021: historic voting milestone, new office in Costa Rica and massive citizen consultation in Chile

Written by EVoting Communications / 29 de Noviembre del 2021

MX Internet Association and Mexican Urology Partnership are added to the company’s clients in this country. “Mexico is a new market for us, which means a great challenge, because of its size, culture and organization, where we have been generating a trusted network for our customers that is fundamental for them and us”. In the words of Eduardo Cáceres, EVoting’s Meeting and Assemblies Manager, reflects the satisfaction for the development of the area, which had an increase in 2020 as a result of the pandemic.

A year and a half later, it already has more than 400 assemblies with more than 130 organizations in 7 countries: Chile, Argentina, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama and Mexico.

In the latter, two assemblies of important entities were developed: on November 24th the Mexican Internet Association’s General Assembly was conducted -in which EVoting is member together with other great digital companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Movistar, HP, Nike and Visa, among others-, opportunity where the new executive board of AIMX was elected, through the platform of EVoting’s electronic assemblies.

On Saturday 27th it was the time for the Mexican Urology Partnership (SMU), for conducting their “2021 Business Session”, where its vice president, advisory committee, commissionair, finances and statutes committee, and other positions were elected electronically for the first time with EVoting.

With this one, there are already 7 electronic assemblies conducted in Mexico - together with DAHAC (Honda’s distributors), the Executive board of Global Business (CEEG) and Antigua Cementera Condominium-, for Cáceres this predicts an auspicious year 2022. “The balance is positive, because we have positioned ourselves with the electronic meetings and assemblies in several countries and we have the conditions to continue growing in the region and in North America”, he added.

If you want to find more about our EAssemblies platform, enter here.