Our Team


Our diversity of experiences, professions, age and interests, gives us a transversal outlook. We believe in innovation and experience, creativity and academia, commitment and curiosity. We believe in teamwork, cooperation and autonomy. This is who we are.

Tomás Barros
Tomás Barros

Civil Engineer in Computer Science from the Universidad de Chile. PhD in Computer Science from the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France. Expert in computer systems, networks, data security, software development and formal methods.

His passion: riding his bike, downhill.

One of the challenges of digital democracy is the safeguarding of data privacy, and for us this is an intransgressible principle. We have a very clear policy in this regard, which is based on unrestricted respect for the regulations of each country where we operate.

José Miguel Piquer
José Miguel Piquer

Master in Computer Science from the University of Chile (1986). PhD in Computer Science from Ecole Polytechnique de Paris (1991). Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile.

He is known as “Chile’s father of the Internet“: he sent the first e-mail, registered the “.cl“ domain, established the first Internet connection and created the first website.

Mario Novoa
Mario Novoa

Industrial Civil Engineer from the University of Chile. Expert in commercial and marketing development, with a focus on innovative technology-based projects.

Enthusiastic padel player, he was once a 3rd division champion. Entrepreneurship professor at the University of Chile.

Whenever I tell people about EVoting, they always tell me that we are “doing something from the future“. Being here gives me the opportunity to make that future a reality. What we are doing to strengthen democracy fills me with optimism and I feel that we are contributing to a world where all people can participate in an ever closer reality.

Mario Cornejo
Mario Cornejo

Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Chile. PhD in Computer Science from the École Normale Supérieure de Paris. Expert in cryptography and data and network security. He explores parallelism, concurrency and functional programming.

When he leaves the Matrix, he listens to jazz and dives into Age of Empires 2.

Felipe Lorca
Felipe Lorca

Industrial Civil Engineer from the University of Chile. Coordinator of the largest electronic voting projects carried out in Chile.

After 17 years of playing tennis, he finally decided to get serious and started training with Horacio de la Peña.

As an engineer, I have always been interested in processes, methodology and resource optimization. But working with electronic voting I have learned to know what moves people, what they want, what engages them. In the end, what democracy means to them.

Ana Barrios
Ana Barrios

Business Engineer from the University of Chile with a Master's Degree in Management and Innovation obtained in Italy.

Lover of knowing new cultures and trying new flavors, undoubtedly traveling is her first passion, but she is closely followed by dancing. She is currently learning Polynesian dances.

Rubén Betancourt
Rubén Betancourt

Commercial Engineer with an MBA from the Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología, Chile. Expert in the areas of logistics operations, finance, marketing and sales.

Lover of nature and family gatherings and a weakness for cars, travel and soccer.

EVoting is like my family. When I arrived, 7 years ago, we were 4 people and we did 2 or 3 votes a month. Now we can reach up to 100 votes in a month. I see that we have grown but also maintained our way of being: responsibility, commitment and empathy with people. That has given us great success.

Roberto Llovera
Roberto Llovera

Electrical Engineer with MBA, Master in Business Administration and Management from the University of Alicante, Spain. Expert in sales and promotion of electronic voting.

Bitcoin holder, Dragon Ball fan, husband, father of Inés, Once and Newton.

In 2015 I arrived in Chile from Venezuela with my eyes set on EVoting. I knew that, with little time in the market, they had the best remote electronic voting technology. I managed to join the company and today, from Spain, I proudly say that I work in the best electronic voting company in the world! And surrounded by the best professionals and friends.

Rodolfo Álvarez
Rodolfo Álvarez

Management Engineer from Duoc UC Professional Institute, Chile. Focused on development and organization in leadership in digital transformation.

With very broad tastes: he either practices mountain running or sits down to play his guitar.

My professional development went hand in hand with EVoting. I started as a voting monitor when I was a student and now I am Assistant Manager of Voting. I know that the growth of this company is not only reflected in the great service it provides, but also in the projection and commitment of its workers.

Nicole Molina
Nicole Molina

Industrial Civil Engineer from Universidad de Chile. Focused in the areas of data science, marketing and social innovation.

Specialist in the art of makeup, she’s permanently improving. She collects eyeshadow palettes -she has 13- and her favorite is from Game of Thrones.

Many believe that an electronic assembly is only about a technological platform; but the best results also depend on the accompaniment and closeness, something that distinguishes us as a team. And one of the things that makes me proud to be here.

Jennifer González
Jennifer González

Sociologist from the Universidad de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile. Specialized in the commercial area, with management of large accounts, service sales and market research.

She has parachuted, dived, trekked, rafted and biked all available routes.

Working in EVoting has been opening a portal of good changes for me. I am part of a wonderful and talented team that trusts in my abilities, and that allows me to work from the place I always dreamed of living: near the sea. I am happy with what we are creating, let's go for more!

David González
David González

Computer Programmer Analyst from the Duoc UC Professional Institute, Chile, with focus on analytical processes.

Multi-instrumentalist: he plays the bass, electric and acoustic guitar, charango, ukulele, drums, yembé, tormento and synthesizer.

I telework from my home, in Cerro de Playa Ancha, in Valparaíso, Chile. I find it incredible to know that from here we are working, at the moment, with hundreds of people from so many other countries.

Alejandra Donoso
Alejandra Donoso
Key Account Manager

Expert in sales and coordination of electronic elections, as well as personalized customer support.

Her passion is dance. As a child, she choreographed for her family, and did ballet and figure skating. To this day, she dances for life, she says.

I came to EVoting in its beginnings and I thought it was an interesting challenge to make electronic voting known for the first time in Chile. It was not easy, but today I feel proud of what we have achieved and of seeing how we continue to grow, without changing our essence.

Javier Vera
Javier Vera

Graduated in Connectivity and Network Engineering from the Duoc UC Professional Institute, Chile. Specialized in telecommunications.

He has found in taekwondo a spiritual and physical space, and a way of life in which he is deepening.

From the moment I joined EVoting I realized the quality of the people who make up the team; working together is something essential and is what makes us have that connection in any country we are in. Among the things that stand out the most is working with colleagues from different countries, connecting online and giving free rein to new projects.

Karina Lorca
Karina Lorca

English teacher with a degree in Education and English Literature from the Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. She has specialized in editing audiovisual material.

She is a YouTuber and has an interior design channel in English.

For me, being in EVoting is to challenge oneself to constantly try new things, to learn and grow, to develop in many areas. And this process is best experienced when there is a good work environment, with colleagues who encourage and are part of this growth.

Benjamín Oros
Benjamín Oros

Computer programmer analyst from the Duoc UC Professional Institute, Chile. Specialized in documentation and project management.

He is a fan of the beach, beer and online games like League of Legends. He has lived in Quintero since he was a child and considers it incredible to work for the whole world from his small town.

For me, EVoting is not only a voting company, it is being able to give a voice to people anywhere in the world with an intuitive platform and high security standards. This motivates me to take on new challenges every day. Here, in Quintero, on the Chilean coast.

Jorge Araya
Jorge Araya

Molecular Biotechnology Engineer and experienced researcher, he has a degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and a PhD in Molecular Biotechnology, both from the University of Chile. But he succumbed to the world of computer science.

His crossover of worlds is also expressed in his love for open-world video games... with a medieval touch.

Getting together to talk, give our opinion and participate in decision making in any area of life are democratic exercises that we do every day without realizing it. This is what we seek to deliver in our service of electronic meetings and assemblies: connecting people from anywhere in the world, so that they can exchange opinions and make decisions.

María José Rojas
María José Rojas

An engineer in Administration with a major in Finance from the Duoc UC Professional Institute, Chile. She declares herself to be very fond of organization, order and finances.

However, she goes camping whenever she can, somewhere where she can breathe fresh air and connect with nature.

As a lover of order and organization, working at EVoting is very comfortable for me. I am in the area of electronic assemblies, where the success of a meeting is the result of teamwork, preparation, coordination and support to our customers, all very orderly and organized.

Laura González
Laura González

Bachelor's degree in International Relations with a major in Foreign Trade from the International University of the Americas, Costa Rica. Specialist in data analysis in Human Resources areas, and in the generation of indicators for management and executives.

She is passionate about designing unique pieces of jewelry in crystal and natural stones, and reading History and Science Fiction.

Despite the distance, EVoting has allowed me to develop my technological skills and cultural knowledge, hand in hand with the camaraderie of a team that has no borders. I never thought I could feel so close, day after day, to colleagues who are thousands of kilometers away.

Yerko Opazo
Yerko Opazo

Business Administration Engineer from Universidad del Mar, Chile, with a specialty in people management, and more than 6 years of experience in different areas of human resources, in which he has led various processes in different organizations.

He is a lover of sports - he has been selected american football team player 3 times- and of the simple things in life, such as a bike ride, a picnic with the family or a good book.

Being in EVoting is a tremendous professional and personal challenge. It fills me with enthusiasm and motivation to be part of an organization that seeks to make democratic processes more inclusive and evolutionary. From the people's area, my main focus is and will always be the integral job satisfaction of everyone.

Joaquín González
Joaquín González

Journalist with a degree in Social Communication from the Universidad de Chile. Experienced in community management and social networks.

Sports lover in its wide diversity, and fond of science and astronomy. Co-author of the book “Bars and Metrics: The history of rap battles in Chile.

Being part of EVoting is knowing that you are contributing to democracy. I like to belong to an environment that contributes to the participation of people and the work space also represents that feeling. As a Community Manager, I like knowing that I can transmit to people what EVoting represents.

Bernardo Aguinaga
Bernardo Aguinaga

Bachelor in Business Administration from Universidad Austral and Bachelor in Marketing from Universidad de Palermo, both in Argentina. Expert in the commercial area, focusing on business generation and strategic alliances. Consultant with experience in internationalization, business expansion, change management and digital transformation.

Being in EVoting is to be part of an engine of change for society, promoting and facilitating e-democracy. Working in different markets -Argentina and Ecuador- is a great motivation to put my experience in favor of positive changes in different areas, fields and organizations.

Nicole Badilla
Nicole Badilla

Commercial Engineer with a major in Administration from Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile.

She loves to travel, animals and tattoos. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, as well as watching series, movies and nurturing her artistic side by making various paintings.

Working at EVoting means being part of a great professional family, which delivers all the tools to develop yourself professionally and improve personal skills. I started in 2019, and it's great to see how the company has grown, always being true to its values.

Mariana Gutiérrez
Mariana Gutiérrez

Industrial Engineer from Alonso de Ojeda University, Venezuela, with more than 7 years of experience in the administrative and accounting area.

Proud mother of Leticia and Felipe and collector of puzzles; she considers herself a lover of good music, chocolate, good movies and learning about new cultures and customs.

EVoting, for me, means innovation, teamwork and professional growth, with a team of quality professionals that allow you to see your work as something more than a job: as a passion. My work, in some cases, can be challenging, but together with the rest of the team, I have been able to face the changes and challenges presented to me, which have helped me, as well, to grow as a person and professional.

Heraldo González
Heraldo González

Heraldo with an “H“. He is a Civil Industrial Engineer from the University of Chile, amateur triathlete and lover of sports in general, he cannot be happy if he is not moving.

He is a big fan of superheroes, but especially of those without powers, “real heroes don't need superpowers“. For this reason, he has a large collection of comics and action figures. On the other hand, he fell in love with reading novels like “Song of Ice and Fire“ and now enjoys reading on his weekends.

Catalina Muñoz
Catalina Muñoz

Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Chile, specialized in innovation and sustainability. She currently teaches Innovation Projects in Engineering and Science at the same university.

She is very interested in environmental care and volunteering. Among her hobbies are dancing, traveling, watching series and music, she can't do any work without it. She is a movie fan, although her favorite movies are romantic comedies, especially musicals.

Javiera Pizarro
Javiera Pizarro
Help Desk Analyst

Graduate of Creative Literature, Diego Portales University. Passionate about editing, proofreading and writing. She has extensive experience in customer service and teamwork.

Her tastes are varied, from reading tarot cards to spending afternoons baking cupcakes. She has watched The Office more times than she can count.

And a team of more than 100 supervisors supporting throughout the Region.