Written by EVoting Communications / 28 de Febrero del 2023

March and April are the months when most companies decide to hold their Shareholders' Meetings and EVoting is in its fourth consecutive year of holding this important process.

What is a Shareholders’ Meeting? It is an instance where shareholders meet, and can be ordinary or extraordinary. For the purpose of this article, the main focus will be on ordinary meetings, which are held once a year and take place in the four-month period following the balance sheet date.

In 2020, as a result of the pandemic, the Chilean Financial Market Commission (CMF) authorized the use of technological means to ensure the remote participation and voting of shareholders in the meetings.

Through rule 435, the Commission authorized electronic voting at shareholders’ meetings, as long as they guarantee the identity of the participant and the simultaneity or secrecy of their vote.

Since then, EVoting has carried out 125 processes with more than 70 clients and in 2022 was the main supplier of IPSA companies.

Nicole Molina, Assistant Manager of Meetings and Assemblies at EVoting, referred to the success the company has had in this area and mentioned that it is due, in large part, to the accompaniment they offer throughout the year and the constant improvements to the service.

“The main thing we offer is accompaniment and security. We have an exclusive team for Meetings and Assemblies all year round, then we have constant meetings with clients, seeing the specific needs of each one, customizations; we work all year round on improving the platform and the service,” Molina mentioned.

For 2023, the company has new features such as Zoom integrated to the platform, follow-up functionalities for organizers, audiovisual assistance and reinforcement of the internal team.

An example of EVoting’s great work in Shareholders’ Meetings is the value given by clients when evaluating the process.

Isidora Zaldívar, Investor Relations Leader of Colbún S.A., highlighted the company’s attention and availability to resolve doubts. She also added that “the platform works like clockwork”.

The Chilean Chamber of Construction also praised the system. The Assistant Manager of Technology and Management Control of the Chamber, Arturo Zamora, referred to the great ease of use of the platform.

“It is a very transparent, agile process, very easy to understand and manage for the different age groups that we have in the Chamber, there are very young members and others of very advanced age, and none of them have found it difficult to use the platform,” said Zamora.

To learn more about the platform, we invite you to visit www.eholders.com or contact our executives via Whatsapp.