Our greatest assets are those who have participated with our platforms. We have received more than 2.900.000 votes, in 2924 processes, neighbors in 81 boroughs; workers from 958 organizations, academics and students from 22 universities, partners and shareholders from 893 companies and institutions. Health, financial and mining sector workers; businesspeople and shareholders; organizations of fair workers, academics, kindergarten educators, teachers, doctors, students, engineers; soccer, volleyball players, surfers, athlete associations; port workers, commerce, retail, the judiciary system, AFP, insurance companies, forestry, pilots, public accountants, firefighters, fair workers, judges, non-profit foundations, public employees, and the media have voted with us.

If your organization wants to know more about our electronic voting service, contact us here.


Including citizens’ opinion in a municipality’s decision-making is the basis for developing an effective territorial policy, in harmony and interaction with the neighbors. Our EParticipation platform is a tool for a modern and efficient local management, which involves people in improving the conditions of their daily lives.

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Gobierno Regional de Arica y Parinacota

Gobierno Regional de Aysén

Municipalidad Pedro Aguirre Cerda

Gobierno Regional de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena

Municipalidad de Concepción

Municipalidad de Primavera

Municipalidad de Santiago

Municipalidad de Valparaíso

Municipalidad de Loncoche

Municipalidad de Antofagasta

Municipalidad de Colina

Municipalidad de Isla de Maipo

Municipalidad de Temuco

Municipalidad de La Florida

Municipalidad de Las Condes

Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea

Municipalidad de Macul

Municipalidad de Vitacura

Municipalidad de Paine

Municipalidad de Peñalolén

Municipalidad de Quilicura

Municipalidad de Quilpué

Municipalidad de Renca

Municipalidad de San Joaquin

Municipalidad de Villa Alemana

Municipalidad de Viña del Mar

Municipalidad de Independencia

Municipalidad de Tiltil

Municipalidad de Villarrica

Ilustre Municipalidad de la Reina

Ilustre Municipalidad de Providencia

Municipalidad de Cerro Navia

Municipalidad de La Cisterna

Municipalidad de La Pintana

Municipalidad de Limache

Municipalidad de Quintero

Municipalidad de Ñuñoa

Municipalidad de Recoleta

Municipalidad de San Miguel

Municipalidad de Collipulli