Written by EVoting Communications / 10 de Junio del 2024

With 10 years of experience and more than 3,000 processes, the leading company in electronic democracy has a global presence.

EVoting continues to pursue globalization and has already reached 11 countries, promoting secure and transparent participation in different parts of the world.

Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay are the countries where processes have been carried out with the company’s technology.

More than a thousand clients in 10 years are distributed among universities, companies, municipalities, regional governments, associations, unions, among other organizations of the most varied fields.

“From the whole technical point of view, it was perfect. I think the work done by EVoting is perfect, a great support, clear recommendations, it was maintained during all the moments. It was a very interesting experience, the work was very professional and I am happy with the result of the work”, mentioned Jorge Martinez, President of the Spanish Federation of Friends of the Road of Santiago, after a successful assembly with EVoting.

In addition to its presence in 11 countries, in 2023 the company won the Tech4Democracy Global award, an award that recognizes startups that strengthen democracy in the world, reinforcing its position as a leader in e-democracy.

Rodrigo Vidal, Rector of the University of Santiago de Chile elected with EVoting technology, mentioned that information technologies should be aimed at “strengthening democracy and instances of participation”.

If you want to know more about the different EVoting platforms, contact here and ask for your next process.