Written by EVoting Communications / 04 de Enero del 2024

For the first time in a Mexican general election, it will be possible to vote through the Internet. This system will be implemented for voters abroad and seeks to increase participation.

Next June 2, general elections will be held in Mexico, where more than 20,000 positions will be elected, including that of President of the Republic.

This will be the first presidential election where Mexicans abroad will be able to vote through the Internet. This system had already been used, but in the local elections of 2021.

Mexicans eligible to vote and who are in the Registration System for Voting Abroad, will receive via email their access codes to the platform and will be able to mark their preference from May 18 of this year until the day of the elections.

Fabiola Alanís Sámano, candidate for the Senate of Michoacán and specialist in political science, mentioned that electronic voting “will promote greater participation” and “reduce costs”.

But this is not the only innovation present in the process, since in Mexico City and Nueva Leon there will be 71 special polling places with electronic ballot boxes for those people who are outside their electoral section.

Dania Ravel, Electoral Counselor of the National Institute of Elections, declared that this system will simplify the operation because “ scrutiny and counting times will be reduced”. She also pointed out that confidence in the ballot boxes will only be generated through their use and familiarization.