Elections in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru and Chile in the last week of the month mark a milestone in EVoting's regional presence.
6 elections, in 4 Latin American countries during the last week of February, mark a milestone in EVoting’s regional expansion process.
“It is something that fills us with joy, something unprecedented but at the same time a natural consequence of the intense work we are developing throughout the continent”, says Felipe Lorca, Voting Manager of the company.
The processes took place in Costa Rica, with the voting of the Asociación Solidarista de Empleados del Banco Hipotecario de la Vivienda, ASOBANHVI; in Chile, with the voting of the Federación CGE (EMEL) and the Sindicato Empresa Hiper Lider 32; in Ecuador, with the election of the Corporación Ecuatoriana para la Responsabilidad Social & Sostenibilidad CERES; and in Peru, with the elections of JLV Consultores and the Asociación Peruana de Recursos Humanos APERHU.
“The result of EVoting’s international expansion process is also expressed in the fact that the 4 clients outside Chile this week are new clients,” adds Lorca.